domenica 5 maggio 2013

"Pita" bread without yeast

Browsing the net I found this blog really interesting by Dario Bressanini and specifically this recipe "scientific" of unleavened bread: the result is excellent! I've used to accompany a couscous with vegetables. Here is my adaptation of the recipe, the bread stays soft if stored in a paper bag where it will be stored still hot. The pita is great if you open and stuffed.

"Pita" bread without yeast
Ingredients for 6 sandwiches
  • 10.58 OZ (300 gr.) flour type 0
  • 7.05 OZ (200 gr.) sparkling water
  • 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ teaspoon fine salt
Time: 10 minutes + resting
Difficulty: easy

Store the sparkling water in the freezer for 10 minutes, I have placed a bottle. Pour the flour into a bowl add oil and salt, stir in a little water at a time until the dough became elastic and not sticky (like that for the pizza). Cover and let stand for half an hour, the time needed to make the dough more elastic.
Preheat oven to maximum (482°F) and in the meantime cut the dough into 6 parts, roll into balls and roll with a rolling pin to form thin discs.
"Pita" bread without yeast: in the oven

Move the oven on grill function, take a disc at a time, brush it with water and place it on the hot plate placed high enough in the oven, but not too much in contact with the grill, the bread will swell. Bake a sandwich at a time to a few minutes (2 or 3) until it is golden. Store in a bag. This bread is excellent with spicy dishes.

See the recipe in printable PDF

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